Resident evil 1 full movie english version
Resident evil 1 full movie english version

resident evil 1 full movie english version

It was also helped by great viewpoint taken and slow motion. As an animation movie, RE Vendetta gives a lot of action scenes which every of them success to make my eyes didn't blink. Additional Genres: Action: 8/10 (Animation) As I disclaim previously, nothing in this animation movie is real- life, so every impossibilities could be denied in the assessment.

resident evil 1 full movie english version

For it, RE: Vendetta gives great graphics of animation which can be enjoyed in entire of this movie. Graphics: 7.5/10 (Animation) I give my assessment as an animation movie. And then there's Rebecca Chambers XDD, so long this character didn't show up. But, what I like from Resident Evil developers, they always show new kind of viruses which create new result of the infected. But for a Resident Evil fans, they will watch it just to link every stories Resident Evil was made. Story: 6/10 Yeah, it is a spin-off, has no deep of the story. Want to enjoy the movie more? Play the games.

#Resident evil 1 full movie english version series#

And of course this assessment is subjective (but i'll try to be objective as much as possible) Resident Evil: Vendetta Disclaimer #1: I am a fan of Resident Evil, both game and animation series, and the movie series Disclaimer #2: This is an animation spin-off movie don't expect the same result as a real-life movie. Hopefully, by scoring to those criteria, readers can be interested to watch the movie. Hi guys, back with me again, I'll divide this movie from this 3 scores: Story (no story, no movie), Graphics (more reality, more we can feel the movie itself) and additional genres assessment which the purpose of the movie (such as Action, Fantasy, Adventure, etc.).

Resident evil 1 full movie english version